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What a New Sculpture Reveals About Growing Tensions Between China and Taiwan - TIME  (contributing byline)
Geoffrey Cain's Book "The Perfect Police State" (researching and fact-checking for the book) 
半導體 Semiconductor Industry
商周封面故事:向企業女王學柔韌力 - 台積電資深副總何麗梅專訪 (Abstract)
Business Weekly Cover Story: Women's Empowerment - Interview with TSMC SVP Lora Ho
商周:中美晶董座徐秀蘭 從來沒有「等」字的人
Business Weekly: GlobalWafers Chairwoman Doris Hsu Never "Waits"
Business Weekly: Why India's Vedanta Wants to Build Foundry with Foxconn? - Interview with Global Managing Director of Vedanta Group's Display and Semiconductor Business
DW News: Long-term Drought Could Limit Wafer Capacity Expansion in Taiwan
Initium: A Look into The White House 100-Day Supply Chain Report - Semiconductor
VOA: How Will Top Management Chaos and US Restriction Impact China's Chipmaker SMIC?
VOA: How U.S. Sanction on SMIC Could Help China Focus on its Semiconductor Equipment Localization
商周封面故事:年度企業台積電 對手定義你的高度 (Abstract)
Business Weekly Cover Story: Company of the Year - TSMC 
商周封面故事:三星強攻台積電 (Abstract)
Business Weekly Cover Story: Samsung Targets TSMC 
商周:沒有張忠謀的台積電 連環出包內幕
Business Weekly: What Happens to TSMC When It Enters Post-Morris Chang Era
商周:華為封殺令一下 這家台廠變5G最大黑馬
Business Weekly: This Chip Company Becomes Taiwan Stock's Dark Horse after Hauwei Ban 
商周:⼀段22K的故事影⽚ 看懂⼤聯⼤為何決⼼入股⽂曄 (Full Article)
Business Weekly: Why Does Taiwan's Biggest Electronics Component Distributor WPG Buys Stake in Rival WT Micro? 
Business Weekly: A New Golden Age for TSMC? Analysts Say the Stock Will Be Up by 24%
商周:台積電出貨華為何時卡?三個未爆彈決定 (Full Article)
Business Weekly: Three Things to Know Whether TSMC Will Be Able to Ship Huawei or Not
中美貿易戰 US-China Trade War  
商周:神秘一八三一法條 掀台商最大間諜風暴   
Business Weekly: Taiwan's Chip Company UMC Is Charged With Economic Espionage by the DOJ
商周:華為公主被扣 中美將陷「修昔底德陷阱」?
Business Weekly: Can U.S.-China Escape Thucydides's Trap?  
商周:打破超級⼯廠迷思 ⾞架⼤廠拚短鏈供應
Business Weekly: Taiwan's Bicycle Frame Factory to Shorten Its Supply Chain amid U.S.-China Trade War 
美國之音:華為禁令衝擊 台灣供應商聯發科股價一度跌停 (Full article with audio report)
VOA: Taiwan's Huawei Supplier MediaTek Dropped more than 9% after the latest U.S. Sanction 
電動車 EV
DW: How Taiwan's Foxconn Is Finding its Way into the Electric Vehicle Business? 
​專訪  Interviews with... 
Jared Diamond, Author of the Pulitzer Prize-Winning Guns, Germs, and Steel, on COVID-19

全球最頂尖的密碼學家 布魯斯.施奈爾

American Cryptographer Bruce Schneier

Uber 交通部⾨總監艾利森專訪

Head of Uber Elevate Eric Allison


Taiwan Film Little Big Women Director Joseph Chen-Chieh Hsu

​美中台關係 U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations  
VOA:  Taiwanese CEOs Are Closely Observing Biden's China Policy
美國之音:美衛生部長將訪台 台美重大里程碑 
VOA: Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar to Visit Taiwan
美國之音:台灣學者評蔡英文下一個四年:對外維穩 對內改革
VOA: Taiwan President Tsai's Second Term Will Focus More on Domestic Reforms: Scholars
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